Sunday, November 24, 2013

Another Peeve

People that view pets as disposable toys or possessions.  Pets are like children.  they are a commitment. Unlike children, however, once domesticated and cared for, they can not just be turned loose when they grow up. But people do just that.  They turn them loose or abandon them when they become inconvenient.  That's why I enjoy my work  with AFCHS, because they screen adopters and also take back  the critter if the person finds it impossible to keep it.  If some one is too ill to properly care for a pet, returning or relinquishing to a sanctuary is of course the thing to do.  My peeve is with those who do not take ownership as a lifelong commitment, and abandon or release a  critter who  has not learned to hunt or care for itself,  and therefore will be at a disadvantage on return to the wild. That's two  peeves in one day!  No  more for a while, Please!

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