Sunday, March 2, 2014

Catch up

It is time to  catch up  with  all the changes at the Cat House and beyond. As noted, on the 11th, Dory  moved to the big house, and in short order has become very comfortable, laid back and confident in her new surroundings. Her is a series of pictures that tell the story.

Dory  before the move, shown in the first photo.  She hung out in the lanai for a couple of days, and then began her relentless take over of the house, and her conquering of Winnie the Pooh.  Tentative at first, ...opposite end of the couch from Mika, she has now become the ultimate couch  potato...(see below). The first photo  shows her playing with her fave toy, and then her current preferred site for vegging.  Whe I am there she is on me and Mika has finally begun to clean Dory's ears just as she did Winnie's. 

  I have been so busy observing Dory's acclamation  to  the house and medicating and  watching the quarantined two, Honey Bee and Romeo, at the Cat House that I have not blogged or downloaded photos or taken any new photos of the quarantined pair. 
In between cat things, I have paid bills, supported Ron through his burglary aftermath, attended the Furr Ball and even gotten in a few yoga asana practices.  
Romeo and Honey Bee seem to be fine apart from the diarrhea which has shifted from  Romeo to Honey Bee and has not improved even after antibiotic, yogurt, and Albon.  They are very loving.  Just as I was thinking that Romeo did not have a purr box, and that Honey Bee had gotten his as well as her own, he has begun  to  be just as loud as she is.  They are not the players that Chuck and Homer were, but they are wrestling and tearing up the room with romping around now, which suggests to me that they are feeling OK.