Sunday, February 27, 2011

Other more Personal Passions and Peeves

Passion:  Animal husbandry.  I began volunteering at Animal Friends Connection Humane Society this month.  I also nurtured my semi feral semi tamed cat, Marauder, along with my own two fat cats this month.  Not missing work one bit.

Peeve:  People who tame animals and then dispose of them when they become inconvenient or expensive.  Pets should be a lifetime committment. In emergencies contact a rescue, no kill shelter and ask for help!

Union coerced "membership"

February come and gone. 
Passion:  Free markets and free enterprise. I have been following Wisconsin governor's effort to curb the unions.  I was delighted by the teacher who was interviewed  by Fox and pointed out that in none of the meetings she attended were real classroom issues addressed, like the need for new computers.  Only political "give me" issues were addressed by the union.  

Peeve: The original purpose of the unions to arbitrate with management about work conditions is completely lost in the mists with public sector government employee unions. My really major peeve was that they took over $80.00 dollars out of my salary every  month even when I was not a member.  This ostensibly because I got any benefits the union earned through bargaining. I felt and still feel that this is totally illegal and represents financial coercion.  Had I had the money they took without my consent, I would have at least $6,700.00 more in savings or more likely invested in the free enterprise system!  In 7 years working conditions got worse and worse while the union bargained for increases in salary and benefits which were bankrupting the state.