Duke and Dune were adopted , separately. Duke (aka Valentino) went first and I think I was sadder than Dune (Herby), because I had hoped they would go together. Chuck, who had been adopted with Homer came back to me for a time when he proceeded to "mark" his teenage boy's shirts for the laundry, much to boy's mom's distaste. I would have found another solution. That is why I no longer practice clinically with people. As a learning theorist I believe people should be able to learn from experience
and verbal tradition, (rules passed along verbally from person to person) and counsel. Sometimes, though, they are just not able to do so, and unlike animals one cannot arrange the contingencies to facilitate learning as one can with animals. People just go about their merry way making the same mistakes over and over and failing to try a different way!! They also tend to treat pets and animals as objects to be disposed of if unsatisfactory. In my old age I have become intolerant of that attitude.
On a positive note, though, I like Animal Friends Connection Humane Society because their adoptive parents do abide by their request to return the unwanted or unworkable adoptees to the organization.
Chuck found himself a new home within a few weeks, and here he is with his new boy. His new name is Sully. His new family love him much.
Sully (formerly Chuck) with his new boy.
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