Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Time flies by when you foster cats.

A month plus has passed and spring has moved in to stay.  Romeo and Honey Bee were just adopted after being a Petco for the past two weeks. Here are photos of those two.  Golden eyed Romeo and his sis Honey Bee.  They went to the same home with a very nice couple who will be able to revel in their loud and comforting purring.

Dory has been renamed Tinkerbell, because she responds to that name.  I am fostering her two brothers Herby and Valentino aka Dune and Duke, so they do not have to commute from Sacramento to Stockton for showing at Petco.
My perpetual  motion machine, Marge,   Homer's sister, was all by herself in the Cat House  when Romeo and Honey Bee went to  Petco, and I worried about that.   She still is in constant motion, but sometimes maintains a single activity for a whole 30 seconds at a time.  She is definitely an ADHD kitty.  I never find her napping when I go over to visit.  She is always up and about.  I remember when I worried about her because she stayed in the carrier until she heard me enter. Silly me. Once she was oriented to the new placement, she never sleeps, it seems. And it turns out the constant motion was not due to loneliness.  She continues to be in constant motion  even when Valentino and Herby are napping! She has the biggest roundest eyes which I have not been able to capture in a photo because of the auto flash on my camera. She is a very pretty girl, and will make someone a wonderful companion. Here are the pics I did get

.Marge during rare moments of quiet
I am also fostering a little black 10 year old kitty named Sweet Pea.  She pretty much stays in the lanai at my house,  because she and Winnie have not hit it off.  She is OK with Tinkerbell now, as long as tinker isn't romping around.  Sweet Pea does not take well to romping around. She has a safe place under the antique desk and she heads there when scared, but otherwise hangs out on the storage cabinet,on the memory foam pillow.  
 Since I started this post, Sweet Pea has even been brave enough to wander into the den.  She still runs away the moment she sees Mika, even if Mika is not on the run.  I got a great shot of her:

Sweet Pea
She resembles Dinah, but has a pointier face.  She is  a light weight, too.  She weighs only 6 pounds, just 1/2 of the weight of Tinkerbell and Winnie the Poo.

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